Accommodation BIBA 24

Blanketten stängdes: 2024-05-20 12:00:00 GMT+0200

We arrange staying at Hotel Aston. The hotel is located in central Karlskrona close to all activities.

We have a great sponsor deal with this hotel, so it will be hard to find a better price.


If you book with these prices it will not be possible to cancel your reservation later than 1 month before your staying. If you want the opportunity to cancel as late as 24 hours before your stay, the regular prices applies.

The prices apply for check-in on June 24th and check-out 30th of June. The prices are including breakfast.

Prices for part in double-, triple- or four bed room applys when all beds are reserved and awarded in subject to availibility. 

The number of 3- and 4-bed rooms is limited, the beds are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis - the cheapest beds first.

If you choose this option, you are responsible for the entire room and choose your roommates

The extra night/nights you pay directly to the hotel. They will, if you choose extra night/nights, contact you with prices and the information you need.

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